Google\’s Rules Regarding Link Building

08 August 2021 Amber Zia
Google\'s Rules Regarding Link Building

Creating a link-building campaign requires knowledge and caution. It is imperative that you are aware of how Google thinks about various links so that you can be on the good side. You want Google to keep you high in the search results instead of the opposite


  1. Reciprocal linking

Reciprocal linking should not be done frequently. Moreover, these links should be relevant to the topic and be understandable from the user’s perspective. 


  1. Guest posting or article marketing

It is good that other bloggers write about you and link back to your website. However, these links should be made naturally. You should not cramp the anchor text with targeted keywords. This is an unnatural practice that Google dislikes. It is advised to utilize navigational terms and brand keywords instead. 


  1. Web directory links

The ideal directories also offer valuable information regarding your potential audience. The main rule of link building is relevancy. This is why creating links in directories and niche directories that are linked to informative websites related to your niche will prove to be great. 


  1. Blog posts and forum comments

If you take part in an active discussion on a blog or forum which is related to your company, and if your comment offers contextual meaning to the discussion, then you don’t have to share a related link. But remember to not overdo this step by utilizing targeted keywords in the anchor text. 


  1. Buying links

Instead of purchasing links, it is advised to create top-level content and promote the website in such a way that it gains natural backlinks. This method does not demand as much effort as buying a few inferior links and this tactic will gain considerable success. If you want to avoid all risks, never purchase links and be patient. If you have ever bought any, you should erase them instantly. 

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